
Our research applies internationally recognized economic paradigms to the highly diverse digital economic application scenarios in China, promoting interdisciplinary integration research in the field of digital economics.

Digital Currency and Financial Technology

Digital currency is the most typical and successful application of blockchain technology to date. Thanks to the technical advantages of blockchain distributed consensus and decentralized trust, blockchain technology has been deeply integrated into economic activities, thereby changing the organizational structure of digital society. In this emerging field, RIDE plans to conduct research on digital currency in the following aspects:

First, the pricing of digital currency. Research on the pricing mechanism of blockchain-based digital currency faces significant challenges. Due to the combined influence of numerous external environmental factors and internal participant behavior factors, participants' strategic behavior and transaction pricing mechanism have a closed-loop feedback relationship. This relationship is closely related to the consensus mechanism and currency value mechanism. Therefore, addressing the critical issue of how to establish a reasonable digital currency system through innovation in transaction pricing mechanisms while considering various factors, behaviors, and mechanisms is essential.

Second, regulated digital currency. Regulating digital currency to prevent it from becoming a tool for illegal financial activities has become a consensus among governments and industries. However, in practice, the increasing anonymity of digital currency makes regulation extremely difficult. Existing regulatory policies and measures mainly focus on the part of digital currency related to other financial systems, lacking comprehensive internal regulatory solutions. Therefore, research on blockchain-based regulated digital currency is particularly important.

Third, the stablecoin issue. In 2019, the appearance of Libra sparked intense discussions about stablecoins and the value of digital currencies. Algorithmic stablecoins are the mainstream development direction of stablecoins. Designing mechanisms to enhance digital currency regulation, which involve epochs, lockup times, token base adjustment mechanisms, supply and demand assessments, currency value evaluations, value information dissemination, algorithmic arbitrage, and more, to achieve stablecoins with smaller price deviations and lower market speculation will be another important research direction for RIDE.


Copyright © 2023 Fudan-TSE Research Institute of Innovation and Digital Economy